While feedlot tags look very similar to a regular cow size 1 piece tag, they are different tags. From the durability of the material to the application, let’s look at the differences.
Feedlot tags are designed to be used for only a few months when an animal is kept in a feedlot. These are made of thinner material and are not designed to last very long. These only usually come in one size, which is comparable to the cow size of a regular 1-piece tag. These are typically quite a bit cheaper than standard 1-piece tags, as the quality is not as good, and less material is used in production.
Feedlot tags can be laser engraved but are commonly sold blank, as bulk is preferred for most feedlots. Numbers are written on with ear tag markers when the animals are received in. Laser engraving is not necessary for feedlots, as the tags only need to show marking for a few months.
Standard 1-piece tags, on the other hand, are durable and are designed to last for years instead of months. These are commonly laser engraved, as they need to remain legible for the lifetime of the animal. They are manufactured from a stronger material to stand up to harsh weather conditions year over year.
The applicator for 1 piece and feedlot tags are the same, and the way that they are applied is the same as well. However, the 1-piece tags are reinforced around the neck of the tag and the tip, which prevents any breakage.
Feedlot tags are designed to be as inexpensive as possible, which means that feedlot tags have low quality standards and minimal material used, resulting in an excellent short-term solution. However, feedlot tags will not provide an effective solution for most ranchers, or anyone desiring a long-lasting, permanent tag solution.