Legends of Ag: Meyer Company Ranch

This week’s Strayhorn story begins with a man named Robert Meyer who dreamed of one day becoming a successful ranch owner and registered Red Angus beef producer. He established Meyer Company Ranch in 1990 on an original homestead from the 1800s in Montana, and then quickly expanded with several land acquisitions in the following years. Meyer realized early-on in his career that his vision of consistently producing above-grade beef was possible through scientific intervention using embryo implants and artificial insemination. Having the power to manipulate the process gave Robert the control to develop Meyer Natural Angus, a brand that boasts antibiotic and hormone-free beef.

Meyer Company Ranch Legends of Ag
Meyer Company Ranch Legends of Ag

The way Meyer runs his ranch doesn’t only benefit the consumers, however. Robert and the Meyer Ranch team believe in ethical and humane practices that they’ve learned through years of experience, including:


  1. Implementing research-driven methods and principles throughout the ranch, such as: the Sandhills Calving System, The Bud Box, fence-line weaning, and AIMS (Angus Information Management System).

  2. Investing in nutrition. In addition to avoiding antibiotics or hormones, cattle at the Meyer Company Ranch follow an exclusively plant-based diet, so high-quality grass and hay are essential.

  3. While calving is typically done in January-March, the Meyer Company Ranch has learned that calving in the foothills of Montana in the dead of winter tends to cause undue stress on the animals. As such, they now calve in late April. The change also allows for cows and calves to be out on the green pasture more regularly.

  4. Testing soil for nutrients and supplementing the deficiencies results in healthier cattle and crops.
Meyer Company Ranch Legends of Ag
Meyer Company Ranch Legends of Ag
Meyer Company Ranch Legends of Ag
Meyer Company Ranch Legends of Ag

The Meyer Company Ranch has surpassed Robert Meyer’s wildest expectations since its launch in 1990. A boyhood dream to be a rancher developed into 32 years (and counting!) of accomplishments and a host of successful brands.


When asked, “What’s next for Meyer Company Ranch?” Meyer simply says, “Much of the same. The solid foundation of the past will no doubt lead us boldly into the future.”



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